
Native American and Immigration Test Review

Native American Immigration Unit Review

Only Approved Indians Can Play: Made in the USA

“God bless America, I think we’ve won.”

Hypocrisy – Not practicing the beliefs that you claim to have.

Satire – The use of humor, irony, or exaggeration to criticize people’s stupidity.

Chicano – A person of Mexican descent.

Who are the true Americans?

What do you think is a better determinant of Native American descent: speaking a Native American language or having a BIA card?

Explain the irony of “BIA official” and the term “official Indian” in the context of this story.

Who Said We All Have to Talk Alike

“In fact, Neffie never really knew that she talked different from most other people.”

“I didn’t know we was all supposed to talk the same way.”

Colloquialism – Informal conversation rather than formal language.

Impressionable – Easliy influenced by others.

Tower of Babel – A tower built in ancient times in an attempt to reach heaven, but god frustrated the builders by confusing their languages, which resulted in different languages.

Discourse – An “identity kit” for how to talk, act, and belong in some social group.

Beryl hired a college graduate after Neffie left.  Why did she do this and would you have done the same thing for your children?

How do Neffie and the college graduate represent different discourses?

The Real Thing

“‘Ah…’ sighed the covey / and leaned closer.”

Covey – A small group.

Who are the true Americans?

The Journey

“You can do anything in the world if you take it little by little and one step at a time.”

Barrio – A poor neighborhood populated by Spanish-speaking people. 

Crescent – A curved, sickle shape.

Can you deny basic medical help to someone with health problems?  Should you turn them away?  Explain.

How will you choose to refer to those who cross the border? – (Undocumented Immigrants, Illegal Immigrants, or Illegal Aliens.)

Do you agree with the Dream Act to legalize undocumented immigrants in America?