
Thursday, May 31st - Periods 1, 6-7, 8-9, 10

English Final: Part 3
Essay on Language Communities

Homework and Announcements:
1) 6 News article responses by Friday, June 1st.
2) Last Call for Graduation!!

  • Senior Project presentations!
  • Printed research paper and works cited!


Wednesday, May 30th - Periods 1, 6-7, 8-9, 10

English Final: Part 2
Class Discussion of Language Communities

Homework and Announcements:
1) 6 News article responses by Friday, June 1st.
2) Last Call for Graduation!!

  • Senior Project presentations by Thursday, May 31st.
  • Printed research paper and works cited by Thursday, May 31st.

Wednesday, May 30th - Period 2


Vocab List for Seniors

Click on this link to see the vocabulary for this test:

Senior English 4 Vocabulary

Vocab List for Sophomores - Period 2

Sophomores Only!
Vocabulary Test: Friday, May 25th

1) Circumspect: Thinking carefully about something before doing it. (Careful or cautious)

2) Entrenched: Not likely to change.

3) Simultaneous: At the same time.

4) Dilapidated: Old, broken, and in very bad condition.

5) Distinction: A clear difference between things.

6) Exacerbate: To make a bad situation worse.

7) Vulnerable: Easy to harm or attack.

8) Tangible: Real, Can be touched.

9) Plausible: Believable

10) Tedious: Something that is boring.


Monday, May 21st - Periods 1, 6-7, 8-9, 10

English 4: 4th Quarter Assignments Update (5-21-12)

1.    Completed + Edited Wikispace                             ______
2.    Printed Research Paper and Works Cited            ______
3.    PowerPoint on Wikispace (#11)                            ______
4.    PowerPoint Presentation to Class                         ______
5.    Stereotypes book and Essay                                 ______
6.    Vocabulary Test (Wednesday, 23rd)                      ______
7.    English Final: Parts 1-4                                          ______
8.    6 News Article Homeworks (Due June 1st)           ______

Monday, May 21st - Period 2


Tuesday, May 15th - Periods 1, 6-7, 8-9, 10

Who am I? Day 2

Do Now: What do you think Barack Obama was like as a child and adolescent?

Homework: 1) Printed copy of research paper. 2) Practice your senior project presentation.

Inquiry: What are the most important questions for 17-20 year olds to think about in America?

Objective: SWBAT read, write and think critically, develop their own questions about themes that matter to them, and reflect on their own identity within a complex world.


  • Senior Project Presentations.
  • Part A: When you think of the “Real World” what do you see or think about? (Draw or write a description of the “Real World” you see or think about.)
  • Draw/Write some of these on the smartboard.
  • Part B: Given this “Real World,” what are the most important questions or issues for 17-20 year olds to be thinking about?
  • Watch video of Obama. What questions was Obama thinking about as he graduated high school?
  • Part C: Write down anything that you think will be important for us to discuss or learn or think about before the end of the school year.

Tuesday, May 15th - Period 2


Wednesday, May 9th - Periods 1, 6-7, 8-9, 10

Who am I? Day 2

Do Now: What do you think Barack Obama was like as a child and adolescent?

Homework: 1) Printed copy of research paper. 2) Practice your senior project presentation.

Inquiry: What are the most important questions for 17-20 year olds to think about in America?

Objective: SWBAT read, write and think critically, develop their own questions about themes that matter to them, and reflect on their own identity within a complex world.


  • Senior Project Presentations.
  • Part A: When you think of the “Real World” what do you see or think about? (Draw or write a description of the “Real World” you see or think about.)
  • Draw/Write some of these on the smartboard.
  • Part B: Given this “Real World,” what are the most important questions or issues for 17-20 year olds to be thinking about?
  • Watch video of Obama. What questions was Obama thinking about as he graduated high school?
  • Part C: Who are you and what do you want to be?

Wednesday, May 9th - Period 2

Inquiry into Peace and Conflict: Day 1

Do Now: Write down the issues that you think are very important to you and that you would be interested in talking about.

Homework: No homework.

Inquiry: What is peace? What is conflict? What examples of peace and conflict occur in our everyday lives? How can we resolve conflict in peaceful ways?

Objective: SWBAT read, write and think critically, develop their own questions about themes that matter to them, and reflect on their own identity within a complex world.


  • Do now. Hand in slips of paper.
  • Part A: What is peace? Write down words that you associate with peace.
  • In groups of two, make a “Peace Statue” and a “Conflict Statue” related to the topic I give you: teacher/student, parent/child, grandparent/grandchild, family, friends, strangers, siblings, teammates.
    • Reflect as class how each statue expresses peace. As they hold the statue position for 15 seconds, student shout out words that they associate with their statue. (Add to Part A)
  • Part B: What are examples a peace and conflict that we have in this classroom? Pass your paper to a partner and the partner should write one way to resolve an example of conflict in a peaceful way. (We will think about how to resolve conflict in favor of peace later.)
  • Read Malcolm X, By Any Means Necessary: “A New Message”
  • Part C 1: What were examples of peace that were present in his new message? How was peace extended in this new message?
  • Part C 2: Choose one vocabulary word that relates to peace or conflict. Explain what you think it means and how it relates to peace or conflict.


Tuesday, May 8th - Periods 1, 6-7, 8-9, 10

Who Am I? Day 1

Do Now: Read over rubric for Senior Project PowerPoint presentation. Now is the time to ask questions.

Homework: Prepare for your presentation. Practice in front of friends or family members.

Inquiry: Do we learn in school? Why is it so inefficient?

Objective: SWBAT read, write and think critically, develop their own questions about themes that matter to them, and reflect on their own identity within a complex world.


  • Do Now - Ask questions about presentation rubric and expectations.
  • Pass out 4th quarter assignment list.
  • Create schedule for senior project presentations.
  • Part A: Name one thing you believe you really learned in school this year.
    • Was this knowledge meaningful to you, will you use this knowledge in your life?
  • Why does this happen? Why don’t we remember what we learn in school?
  • Do you care about any of the topics that you have learned in school?
  • I am hoping to make our learning process in this class more meaningful. What we learn and what we do in this class needs to be meaningful.
  • Part B: What are the most important things for high school students? What do you think about? What are you trying to figure out? What is confusing to you? What are you passionate about? What are you curious about?
    • Introduction to Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave. Intellectual curiosity and a passion for learning is a natural thing. How did he lose his passion for learning?
    • Part C: How does this relate to the way our intellectual curiosities are crushed? What do you think “mental slavery” is? How does this relate to “mental slavery”?


Friday, May 4th - Periods 1, 8-9, 10

Trayvon Martin: Day 13

Do Now: 1) Work on senior project powerpoint presentation.

2) If you are completed, click on the following link and find 3 vocabulary words that are unfamiliar to you. Look up the definitions and write it on the scratch paper.


Homework: Enjoy the weekend!

Inquiry: How do words develop their meaning over time?

Objective: SWBAT identify and look up words for their definitions.


  • Complete Do now.
  • Work on powerpoint presentation.


Thursday, April 3rd - Periods 1, 8-9, 10

Trayvon Martin: Day 13

Do Now: 1) Work on senior project powerpoint presentation.

2) If you are completed, click on the following link and find 3 vocabulary words that are unfamiliar to you. Look up the definitions and write it on the scratch paper.


Homework: 1) Powerpoint presentation completed by tomorrow. 2) Printed copy of research paper and works cited page.

Inquiry: How do words develop their meaning over time?

Objective: SWBAT identify and look up words for their definitions.


  • Complete Do now.
  • Work on powerpoint presentation.


Wednesday, May 2nd - Period 2

Trayvon Martin: Day 12

Do Now: Edit the following sentence:

mayor nutter hasnt done enough to improve philadelhia

Homework: 1) Completed powerpoint by Friday. 2) Printed copy of research paper by Friday.

Inquiry: How do we edit our writing? Why is it important?

Objective: SWBAT edit their own writing and write their own response about the importance of Trayvon Martin to American society.


  • Do now.
  • Editing worksheet - Go over rules and complete worksheet.
  • Find vocabulary from unit article and essay. Each student writes 3 words that they want to learn and what they think they mean from context.
  • Stereotypes and Trayvon Martin Assessment:
    • This year we debated whether America is a “Post Racial” society. Post Racial would mean that we have become a society where race does not affect the way any of us treat each other. In the form of a poem, story, or essay, decsribe how the Trayvon Martin case contribute to this debate over whether America is “Post Racial.”