
Thursday, June 2nd - All Periods

Revolutionaries: Day 8

Do Now: How would your life be different today if we had not gone through the Civil Rights Movement in America?

Critical Thinking Questions: How does our history shape our present experience?  Why should all people pay tribute to Civil Rights heroes?

Content: Stories and articles from the unit and materials of Civil Rights figures.

Objective: We will research and begin to write our tributes to a selected Civil Rights figure.

Class Activities: Do now discussion, Research, Writing

Homework: Research and complete your description and tribute to a Human Rights figure.  (Major assignment to conclude Revolutionaries Unit.)


Wednesday, June 1st - All Periods

Revolutionaries: Day 7

Do Now: What have you learned this year about how to “read” pictures and art this year?

Critical Thinking Questions: What is the importance of critical literacy in today’s society?  How does violence and war impact our society today?

Content: Picture book with whited out pages, Radio Times: Hate Groups

Objective: We will be able to make meaning from the picture book images, consider the consequences of violent resistance and war, and write about our opinions of violent and non-violent resistance.

Class Activities: Do-now discussion, “Reading” the picture book, Reading the picture book, Violent/Non-Violent resistance perspective discussion, writing opinions

Homework: What does war and violent resistance normally lead to?  Why does this happen?