
The All-American Slurp and Cultural Differences

The All-American Slurp explored some of the cultural differences between Chinese and Americans in a comical story of some of the miscommunications and misunderstandings that happen when people from two cultures interact.

Our definition for a Multicultural Experience is, "Some interaction between at least two people who have different values, beliefs, or rules when these differences become apparent."

"When these differences become apparent" is an important part of that definition because we often come in contact with people who might have different values, beliefs, and rules to their lives, but these differences do not always surface unless we are truly interacting with each other or trying to communicate.  It is easy to ignore diverse cultures around us and only associate with people who are similar to us.

There are many examples of cultural differences reaching the surface in this story.
What was a Chinese cultural practice and the contrasting American cultural practice?

Do you ever have multicultural experiences?  Are your beliefs, values, and rules ever questioned or pressured by interacting with someone from a different cultural background like our character in the story was pressured to do in America?  How would you react in comparable situations?