
Thursday, November 18th - Period 1

Politics: Day 3

Do Now: Old Major argued in chapter 1 that they should overthrow the humans, but afterwards, they should never engage in human behavior themselves like living in a house, sleeping in a bed, wearing clothes, smoking tobacco, or drinking.  Why did he not want the animals to act like humans?

Critical Thinking Question:  What are ways that our human behavior and excess leads to sin?  What is the importance of patriotism and patriotic songs?  Why is intelligence and literacy so important and valuable, especially in respect to political movements?

Content: End of Chapter 1, “Beasts of England” rally song. Beginning Chapter 2

Class Activities:  Discussion of importance of patriotism and patriotic songs and symbols, Comparison to American songs, Singing “Beasts of England” by different characters in story, Writing about the “new outlook on life” or which character do you connect with, Napolean, the fierce pig who gets his way, Snowball, quick in speech and inventive, or Squealer, brilliant speaker and good at convincing others.  

Homework: 1) Finish reading Chapter 2.
2) How can brilliant speaking and communication help people to get their way even if they are wrong or evil?