
Friday, April 8th - Periods 3, 5, 6 & 7

English Conventions: Day 4

Do Now: Copy today’s language information:

Capitalism: Political and economic system whereby a country’s trade and industry is controlled by private owners for profit.
Socialism: Political and economic system that advocates for a country’s trade and industry is owned and regulated by the community as a whole.

A synonym for capitalism is __________________.
A synonym for socialism is __________________.

Spelling: Although, Perspective, Coexistant.

Critical Thinking Questions: Why is it important to punctuate correctly? What is the importance of apostrophes?

Content: Apostrophe notes, Newsweek article.

Objective: We will be able to use apostrophes correctly and use them appropriately in our writing.

Class Activities: Take notes, Practice worksheet, and Readings

Homework: Complete SAT practice worksheet.