Senior Project: Research Paper Day 1
Do Now: What is your biggest concern or fear with the 6-8 page senior project research paper?
Homework: 1) Completed Research Proposal. 2) Write 5 vocabulary words into a creatively written paragraph.
Critical Thinking Questions: What does good research writing look like? Why is research writing an important post-secondary skill?
Content: Past senior project essays, Student writing,
Objective: SWBAT evaluate research writing and determine the organization writing skills they need for their senior project.
Class Activities: Do-Now Discussion, Analysis of past senior projects, Writing an Research Paper Outline
Do Now: What is your biggest concern or fear with the 6-8 page senior project research paper?
Homework: 1) Completed Research Proposal. 2) Write 5 vocabulary words into a creatively written paragraph.
Critical Thinking Questions: What does good research writing look like? Why is research writing an important post-secondary skill?
Content: Past senior project essays, Student writing,
Objective: SWBAT evaluate research writing and determine the organization writing skills they need for their senior project.
Class Activities: Do-Now Discussion, Analysis of past senior projects, Writing an Research Paper Outline